I finally took Brooke to the public library in October. She really loved that she could sit at a table and flip through tons of books that she had never seen. I had to keep reminding her to be quiet, but it was a fun outing. I need to do better at taking her there to borrow books, and maybe even go to story time.
She loves to watch movies in "mama's comfy bed", which is the perfect time for me to shower and get ready for the day. I also think she looks so grown up when I put her hair in a top knot.
Finally finished the car seat canopy for our little guy. I love how it turned out and I only spent like $8 on the fabric, which was a steal. I used the one Bev made Brooke as a pattern, which worked out perfectly.
Bev gave Brooke a cute Halloween plate, cup, and silverware. As soon as we got home from their house she wanted to use it. And of course she wanted pineapple. That was her favorite fruit all summer long.
We ran into Brooke's little friend Isa one evening at the park. She is 4, but so sweet to Brooke. And they are practically the same size, haha. Brooke saw Isa playing hide and seek with her mom, and since then, Brooke wants to play hide and seek quite frequently. She will tell me to be the "hider" or the "seeker". My favorite part is that she totally tells me where she is when I am pretending that I can't find her.
Surprise, we went to the pet store again, haha. I at least switch it up and go to different pet stores to try and expose her to different animals.
I love this picture of the play group kids. Whit, Brooks, Marlie Jo, Brooke, Elias, and Mattie.
We were both pretty excited when Costco put out all their Christmas decorations. I am super excited for this Christmas season because Brooke seems so excited about everything!
We had some beautiful weather in October, so we took advantage and went on a few boat outings. I love to see the bond between Brooke and Kevin. They love each other so much, and I adore them.
Such a perfect evening watching the sun set while Kevin does his thing! If I remember correctly, we also had a picnic that evening with Jerry and Bev.
We went on a family date to In-N-Out, and tiny baby came along as well. Brooke still loves "froobies", aka chocolate milkshakes. Smart girl :)
Another favorite is the dinosaur park over at the Shops in Cedar Hill. We had also stopped by the cookie store, so Brooke has some leftover chocolate all over her mouth. Miraculously, she didn't get any on her white shirt.
She loves her Strider bike, but she doesn't last very long on it. I am still undecided about my opinion of balance bikes. I think she understands the concept of balancing, but she can't go very fast, and she definitely doesn't lift up her feet and "glide". Her friend Isa has a tricycle, and Brooke noticed her pedals right away. Now, whenever she rides her bike, she comments, "I don't have pedals, but Isa has pedals."
We finally made it to story time, which was not what I was expecting at all. We showed up right on time, and we walked in to find a variety of small rugs placed around the room. Each rug had a different activity, and a sign for tips on how to interact and play with your child using those particular toys. I assumed we would play for maybe 15 minutes and then story time would start. But after what felt like forever, I asked a lady, and she said that the play time would be one hour, and then they would begin story time. I really didn't think we would make it that long because a lot of the toys were for babies...but then Brooke zeroed in on the play-doh and was hooked. When story time finally started, they read one book, did one finger play, sang one song, and that was it! It was all monster-themed, which was cute...but just super short. I guess the library partners with the YMCA to help parents be more involved with their kids. So, it is a good program, but I probably won't be going back any time soon.
Hand washing has turned into dish washing as well, which is really not a bad habit to start, haha. I am all about kids doing chores :) She insisted that she was "mixing, not washing".
We had some flash rains one morning, which called for some puddle jumping. She ran up and down the sidewalks splashing through the puddles. We also had a zillion long worms wriggling on our driveway and she was intrigued. She finally touched one, and squealed when it flopped around, haha. She kept telling me to touch it, too. I declined :)
More afternoons at the park...we were trying to enjoy the beautiful weather before the cold front moved in.
She is the happiest when she is running and playing outside. I hope she stays that way forever! Finding simple joy in her little life.
One evening, I had just changed her diaper and was talking to her about how Daddy would be home soon. She ran straight to the door and kept watch until she saw him pull into the driveway. She loves her Daddy so much.
I know that I should probably be embarrassed that I still give Brooke a bottle for her milk, but I am not that concerned about it. We brush her teeth after she drinks it, so it's not like the milk is sitting on her teeth all night. And it's the perfect opportunity to give her the Miralax morning and night to help soften her stools. Side note: She still loves to rub our ears while she falls asleep. Sometimes she will rub her own ears, like when she is sleepy in the car, but she prefers ours.
Did I mention that she loves her Daddy? She calls him her prince whenever she is wearing her dress-up clothes, and I know Kevin loves it. We are big fans of the new Cinderella movie, and we both sing Lavender's Blue all the time to her. She especially loves when Daddy will twirl her around.
Kevin is such a fabulous Dad. I knew he loved Brooke as a baby, but I can see how much fun he has interacting with her now that she is talking and able to express her cute little ideas and thoughts. He is always willing to play with her and fill his role as "Prince" :)
6 days ago
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