Thursday, November 7, 2013

Fall Activities

One Saturday, we decided to take Brooke to the pumpkin patch by our house.  We were pretty excited to take her and I made sure we had coordinating outfits so we could take pictures in the pumpkins.  Little did I know, but the admission was $12 per person!  Are you kidding me?? I was shocked, and Kevin just played it off like "Can we take a flyer?", haha.  We only had probably $20 in cash anyway, but we were not about to spend that kind of money to take a picture with pumpkins.  Maybe next year when Brooke can appreciate the activities and the petting zoo :)  So, we snapped a few pictures in the park outside the pumpkin patch since Brooke was looking adorable in her little dress. 

 She kept trying to eat her dress all day, haha.  I am just happy that the weather was so nice and warm so that she could wear that cute dress my mom bought for her.
 A few weeks later, we met up with Kevin's family at the Flower Mound pumpkin patch (which only cost $5 per car, thankyouverymuch!!). It was super cute, and there were lots of great photo ops :)

This was our first Halloween in our house, so we wanted to stay home and experience the trick-or-treaters :)  Jerry and Bev came over to see Brooke in her costume, and we enjoyed the evening together on the porch passing out candy.  Brooke was taking a late nap, but was woken-up by trick-or-treaters a little before 7.  Not sure if she was thrilled about her costume, but she was a good sport :)  We actually had quite a few kids come by, so that was fun.  When things died down, we went inside and had minestrone soup and bread, then we tucked Brooke in for the night.  I already told Kevin that next year,  we will have to think of fun themed costumes for our little family!

1 comment:

  1. $12? That's crazy!!!! Your family is so cute and I can't get over how gorgeous Brooke is! I hope you are all doing well. We need to find a time to be in Morgan Hill at the same time. I miss you!
