Like I mentioned in the last post, we are expecting our first baby, who we lovingly refer to as "little chubb". We found out on January 6th that our little chub is a girl, which came as a total surprise. Once we started telling people we were pregnant, the follow-up question always seems to be about our gender preference. Honestly, we were just so thrilled to be pregnant, we would be happy with either a boy or a girl. I always thought I wanted a girl first, but when it came down to it, I just wanted a healthy baby. From the beginning, Kevin had always said that "he just knew it was a boy". At my 13 week sonogram, the doctor asked me if we were going to find out the gender. When I told her we were, she told me it was a little difficult to determine so early on, but she zoomed in and said that "it did look a little pokey-outy", haha. From that appointment on, I kind of assumed we were having a boy, which I grew more and more excited about.
The morning of my 18 week sonogram, as we were driving to the appointment, Kevin says, "I just don't know if it's a boy anymore." Hahahaha. He had been so confident! I told him only time would tell :) Well we were definitely wrong, because within a few minutes she showed us a close-up and asked us if we thought we had a little boy or girl, and we both looked at the picture, and knew we were having a little girl. It was such a fun experience seeing the little hands and feet and knowing that our little chubb was looking more like a baby and less like a gummy bear.
Most everyone in our families thought we were having a boy (with the exception of my dad and my brother-in-law Jeffrey), so it was fun to call everyone with the news. And of course I had to go shopping and pick up a few things for our baby girl.
8 weeks...my Dad laughed at this one and texted back, "I think you have a long way to go!"
10 weeks
13 weeks
18 weeks
18 week Sonogram
20 weeks
22 weeks (Don't mind my crazy leggings...I am all about comfort these days!)
We are making progress on the nursery, but minimal progress on determining a name for our little girl. Fortunately, we still have a few months left to ponder that one!