At each month milestone, I really cannot believe that another month has passed. She really had a growth spurt this month, and has filled out a lot! She has also been sleeping a lot more during the night, which is super awesome for me!! She generally goes down around 9 or 10pm, wakes up around 4 or 5 in the morning, and then will sleep another 4-6 hours, so I cannot complain :) My favorite time of day with her is in the morning. She gives me the sweetest smiles and makes the cutest sounds as she "talks" to me. Her fine motor control is improving and she is able to grasp toys, bring things to her mouth, and she chews on things ALL DAY, haha. She is a big fan of her rubber monkey toy and people's fingers and hands.
Brooke continues to have explosions in her diaper quite frequently, so I do a lot of laundry and this little girl gets a lot of baths! One Saturday, I left Brooke at home with Kevin to run to Target. On the way home, I called to check-in. Kevin informed me that Brooke had an explosion in her swing, that he had cleaned her up, but that he hadn't been able to clean the swing or her clothes yet. I told him that I would help when I got home, but as I was driving, I was thinking about what he might have dressed Brooke in. He has dressed her plenty of times, but I always had an outfit picked out for her. When I walked into our room, and saw Kevin holding Brooke this way, I burst out laughing and had to get the camera. I asked Brooke why she didn't have any clothes on, she spit out her pacifier and gave me a huge grin, and Kevin goes, "We didn't know what fit her", haha. Gotta love Dads :)
Brooke's Great Grandparents were still in town from the blessing weekend, and we enjoyed spending time with them. Grandpa hadn't held Brooke at all, and kept saying that he didn't hold the babies! The last night we saw them, he decided that he was going to hold her :) I am sad she is naked (she was really warm that night, so I stripped her down to her diaper) in these pics, but at least it is documented! Grandpa said, "Don't put these pictures on facebook, I don't want the other grandkids to be jealous. Well, actually, put them on, then write 'Only in Texas will Grandpa hold the babies'." Sure love them :)
Brooke is still sleeping in our room because I can't imagine putting her upstairs in her nursery yet. Originally I thought she would only be in our room for 2-3 months, but we are about to hit the 4 month mark and I am not ready to transition her yet! But I did take some pics of her in her crib because she was especially smiley one afternoon.