In the beginning of August, we were able to spend 6 lovely days with the family in Texas. We arrived Saturday and spent a few hours out at the lake. We went to early church with Melanie and Jeff on Sunday, then spent the afternoon relaxing, eating, and enjoying the company of old friends who we miss a whole lot. We ran into one of Kevin's old mission companions at church, which prompted Kevin to call and invite another mission friend who we actually knew lived in the area. I didn't get too many group pics, but I did get a few :)

Danielle, Melanie, and Julianne chatting it up. I am pretty sure they were talking about strollers or travel systems, haha. Julianne is due in November and Melanie in February.

Doug and Kevin...not sure what they were talking about. We were sad we missed Tracy and the kiddos...but hopefully we will see them next time.

The girls (and Kevin) had tea, courtesy of Miss Maddy. She is so grown up, and so adorable!

We spent all day Monday at the lake and I am amazed that we weren't all burned to a crisp. We reapplied sunscreen every hour it seemed, and apparently that did the trick. It was a great day, but we were exhausted by the time we arrived back at the house!
Tuesday we had a special day in the Dallas Temple. Beverly had prepared family names for endowments, as well as sealings. It was a special day for her especially as she did the work for her mom, and then was sealed to her parents. I don't have the pictures from outside the temple, but we enjoyed a delicious mexican dinner afterwards. Great recommendation Jeff :)

We had one last hoorah at the lake on Wednesday, then headed back to Florida on Thursday morning. We had a wonderful trip as we spent time with friends and family.

Until next time...
It looks like you had a great time! I hope everyone gets together again soon, and we can see you guys again, its been too long!