Sunday, February 13, 2011

sneak peak


  1. katie, that looks awesome! WOW!!! and GOSH, i never called you back the other day, and i really need to. i want to here more about what's going on out there, but seriously, post more pictures so i can live vicariously through you.

    love and miss y'all!!!

  2. WOW! How cute!!!! I LOVE IT! I'm so excited for you!

  3. Classy! I love it. I can't wait to see more once it's had your magic touch! Congratulations!

  4. Cute place, Congrats! Can't wait to see it decorated.

  5. OOOOOOOOOOOOOO!! How cute!!Are you taking the tile out and putting wood floors in?
    SO excited to see it all decorated!!

  6. Thanks guys!! We just moved in last weekend and have been busy unpacking. Luckily my parents and sister were here because they were a huge help.

    Janelle, we are floating an engineered wood floor on top of the tile. Kevin is doing it himself and he is doing an awesome job...but it is very time consuming, haha.

    I will post more pics as we decorate, etc.

  7. Super cute! Can't wait to see what you do to it decor-wise! So excited for you guys! Have fun making it your own - and post pics when you're done!!! !
