Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Key Largo Half Marathon

This is almost 2 months late, but I figured I would blog about my first half-marathon. My friend Daleth and I had been training for almost 6 months, and we ran the Jewish Fish Bridge Run in Key Largo back in November. Our goal was to complete the whole race without stopping, and we accomplished our goal (with one pit-stop to use the lovely porta-potty along the trail). It was a beautiful trail over the bridge and up Highway 1. It was amazing to have the ocean on both sides of us as we ran, and I only felt slightly worried when I saw a sign that read, "Crocodile Crossing-Next 2 miles." Daleth commented that hopefully the crocodiles would eat the people in front of us first, haha.

I had told myself that I didn't care about the time we got as long as we ran the whole thing, but when people with white hair passed me, I felt a little ashamed. I still was happy to accomplish my goal, and we ran the 13.1 miles in 2 hours and 48 minutes, which is roughly a 12.8 minute mile. Needless to say, we didn't win for our division, but it was a lot of fun to participate in something like this. People told me I would get addicted to running, which I don't think is the case, although I did enjoy the exercise and friendship I developed.

The picture is from when we picked up our race packets, and I still need to get the rest of the pictures from Daleth!! I am sure there are some nice sweaty pictures of us at the finish line :)


  1. COngrats Katie! You'll have to get a full on the calendar, your already half way there!

  2. you did it! hooray! so so proud of you. haha on the runners in front of you being eaten. yeah, go get those grannies!
