I returned last week from a wonderful trip to Utah for my best friend Erin's wedding to Ian Checketts. I flew in super late on Wednesday night and had a little sleepover with Erin and one of her mission companions. We spent the majority of Thursday and Friday doing wedding errands and hanging out with old roommates :) It was seriously a great few days. We all got together for dinner on Thursday night and had fun reminiscing about all the funny things we used to do. After dinner, we made pazooki (an old favorite) and laughed the night away.
Brie, me and Ambree
Erin and Molly
Mr and Mrs Checketts exiting the temple.

The sealing was awesome and was performed by her mission president who happens to be the Temple President of the Oquirrh Mountain temple. Erin looked stunning. I loved her dress :) Fun fact...I was with her when she bought her dress back in April and she actually purchased her dress from the same little shop that I bought mine at :)
The bridesmaids...me, Monica, and Ian's two sisters Lauren and Hannah. Poor Lauren had surgery on her ACL a few weeks before the wedding and ended up having another surgery the day before the wedding due to an infection. She was a trooper to show up in heels!!
The old roomates all together again. It had been over a year since we were all together, and it was definitely fun to see each other again. I miss these girls...and the funnest part was how we just picked up where we left off.
Needless to say, it was a little windy outside the temple. And by that, I mean that it was probably the windiest day of my life. It was a little tricky taking pictures because you had to choose between holding your hair, or holding your dress. Molly opted for the dress. Haha.
It was a little less windy at the reception, which turned out really nice and I loved the decorations. Just imagine a lot of wrought iron, topiaries, beautiful flowers, and hanging lanterns in corals and creams.
Me and the beautiful bride. Erin and I were roommates in college for a few years and have remained friends ever since. I really love this girl and it was fun to be there for her special day. Now that we are all married, we decided that we are going to start planning annual girl weekends to stay in touch...since we no longer live very close. (Oregon, Utah, Florida, and soon-to-be California)
After the wedding and clean-up, I bummed a ride back down south with Brie and Jeff to visit family. I only was able to spend about 24 hours with the Robinsons, but it was a great 24 hours :) We of course took Sunday pictures, and here is my cute cousin Heidi and my cute Aunt Lori.
I will look forward to the next trip...
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