Sometimes it's the simple things, like reading books with Daddy :)
Friday night at the park with the Hawkins! Having neighbors who are also best friends is the absolute best! For the kids and for me, because I get to sit and chat with Joanna.
Right before bed Colby decided that his wiggly tooth needed to come out. Kevin wasn't sure that it was ready, but Colby had his mind set on it. After a lot of wiggling, that little tooth came out.
He used his tiny treasure box he received from the school nurse and tucked that box under his pillow for the tooth fairy. Loving his little double gap on the bottom...
Colby kept trying to take pictures of us sitting on the pew at church, all of which were terribly unflattering. I made him stop, and assured him that we could take a nice picture once we got home.
I love this kid so much and especially adore his expression in this one...
We had dinner with some old friends (The Potters) and Colby made sure their teenage daughter sent me the picture of him and the chicken, haha. I'm pretty sure that my kids would be happy living on a farm.
We had a great time at their house, but as soon as we pulled out of their development, Colby started throwing up all over. It seriously came out of nowhere, so we quickly pulled over to a gas station to try to help him. I found a gallon ziplock bag in the center console, so he was able to use that for the last few heaves. I took him inside to use the bathroom while Kevin attempted to clean the car. He used the squeegee from the gas station to remove the majority of the throw up from the car, but it was still everywhere and smelled terrible. Oh, and I had made strawberry sorbet for dessert, so all the throw up was dark pink. (Side note: I don't think the sorbet was bad because none of the rest of us, including the Potters or Hawkins, got sick.)
We still had a 20 minute drive home, and I quickly took Colby upstairs to take a warm shower. Kevin was a hero and cleaned the car while I helped our sick little guy. He was throwing up every 15 minutes for hours and could't keep anything but water in his system. I spent the first night at the foot of his bed because he needed me so frequently. This really didn't help with my recovery because my body was all curled in a ball, but he needed his Mama.
After two days, he finally seemed on the mend...
He asked for a bubble bath one afternoon, and after it was nice and bubbly, he announced, "I guess I don't want any bubbles." I just laughed and told him to deal with it because you couldn't undo those bubbles, haha. But he gave me a fake pouty, so I had to take a picture :)
The Christmas music started, and I was thrilled!! The new Christmas jammies just added to the whole vibe.
Our school hosted a Veteran's Day program, and as soon as I got out of the car, I was emotional. The band was warming up, the flags were flying, and I felt such gratitude for our veterans. Each grade level performed for the guests of honor and parents could watch from the side. It was such a beautiful program!
I picked Brooke up early for an orthodontist appointment one afternoon, then scoped out a location for our last minute family pictures. We didn't use this location, but she sure looked cute.
Cheesy fingers, cheesy teeth! Man, I love these kids. Especially when they play well together at the park and I can just listen to their playful banter.
We had the Primary Program this month, which is always one of my favorite Sundays. They both seemed so very confident as they said their lines and the Spirit was most definitely there as I listened to them sing. Favorite songs: My Own Sacred Grove and I Will Walk With Jesus. I get emotional every time I hear those songs because their messages are so powerful.

Tracy came back to visit and you better believe we met up for brunch at First Watch!! These girls have the most beautiful souls and I feel so grateful for their friendship.
After brunch and shopping, Danielle and Andrea needed to head home, so Tracy and I went to Brow Vixen to get our brows threaded and tinted. It always looks crazy as the dye sits on your brows, but it definitely looks more normal once they wipe the dye away. Then Tracy came to my house and I gave her a gel manicure and painted her toenails. I loved that one-on-one time with her, especially since she was staying in Fort Worth at Andreia's house.
Another night, we met up with the Myers at the park for dinner and let the kids run and be free. We have missed their family tremendously, so this felt so right to be together again.
I loved chaperoning Brooke's field trip in the middle of the month. She told me all the rules like a thousand times in the week leading up to the trip and was just SO excited. I always love the zoo, but my favorite part might have been Brooke introducing her friends to me.
We spent quite a bit of time in the reptile house...
Madison, Jade, and Brooke...
My second favorite part was the elephants. I have a picture in this exact spot when Brooke was about one (pictured below) so it was fun to recreate the picture.
These girls were all so sweet and made my chaperoning gig a piece of cake :)
Just look at that lion! I love when they are up and moving about their enclosures. At about 2 PM, they loaded the buses to head back to school. Parents weren't allowed to ride with them, so we were just supposed to drive ourselves. A few days before the field trip, our photographer Jen (who also has a third grader), texted me to ask if I was going on the field trip. I confirmed that I was, and she asked if I wanted to ride with her and another mom. I thought that was super sweet, and since I didn't know any other moms that were going, I gladly accepted. I really enjoyed my ride up there with Jen and her friend Jessica, and we had great conversation on the way back as well. I love this community and am grateful for these small connections.
Colby's excitement to show me ALL his turkey stuff after school was the absolute cutest. Kindergarten is the best! Mrs. Salinas also sent pictures from their Thanksgiving Feast and activities.
We celebrated Danielle's 40th birthday!! I can't quite believe that we're all hitting (or close to hitting) this milestone, but I still feel like we're young :) Except for when my back hurts, or I overexert myself and I feel like I'm falling apart.
A perfect impromptu park play date with school friends, who also happen to be members of the church but in a Mansfield Ward. Staley is in Colby's class and they have become quite good friends.
Colby came home with a note one day that had Staley's mom's phone number on it, but I never called her because life was just super busy with school, piano, baseball/softball, and getting ready for my surgery. Well, a few weeks later while I was at the hospital, a girl in my ward met her and messaged a few of us to let us know that a "mom at Daulton just moved here from Utah with no family and could really use some friends and play dates for her kids." I felt rotten and SO guilty that I hadn't reached out sooner, so I texted her from the hospital and we scheduled a playdate for Thanksgiving break. I enjoyed getting to know her and I'm sure we'll be having future play dates.