Every month is full of memories, and December was no exception! Park dates...
After-school fun with Claire...
Letters to Santa on special shrinking paper...
Yard work...
Donation to the Salvation Army...
Added "Jingles" the puppy to our family...
Beautiful ornaments from the Primary...
More park time...
Filming of the Virtual Christmas program at school...
Boat ride, just Kevin and I...
Skate park with Daddy...
Decorated Grandma and Papa's tree before they came home from the hospital. (Papa had to have his big toe amputated due to a sore and infection that wouldn't heal.)
The kids were all excited to do surprise service for them...
We went back a few days later to finish up some stuff around the house and help make things more wheelchair accessible.

And of course the kids found some time to play...
Tested out the new hoverboard go-carts Papa purchased while in the hospital, haha.
Hosted our Book Club Christmas party...
We haven't read a book for ages, but I still love getting together with these friends. Me, Sarah, Danielle, and Tracy :)
Showing me something he doesn't want to forget...
Meeting Emily at the airport when she came home from her mission. I was so excited to hug this girl. Her mission emails were amazing and I know it was bittersweet for her to come home.
Piano lessons and time with Allie the dog...
Snuggle movie time...
Watched the virtual preschool program...
Colby was an adorable sheep :)
Kevin and the kids helped prepare all the gifts the Relief Society passed out to ward members...
Time at Grandma and Papa's..
Brooke decorated her door with all her Christmas/Winter art...
While delivering Christmas goodies, we found out that our elderly neighbor Linda had COVID. As we left, Colby mentioned that we should rake their leaves for them, so that's what we did.
These kids worked so hard!
Then we had to hurry home and do our leaves before the Lawn Care guys showed up to do our lawn treatment. They were a bit burned out by the time we did our lawn, but we managed! Three hours of raking leaves is no joke, haha, my arms were still feeling it 2 days later! But I rewarded the kids with peppermint milkshakes form Chick-Fil-A.
Stopped by a neighbor's house to see the light show synced to music...
LOTS of baking, this time for Kevin's employees...
Discovered Wonder Books (a print book with a ready-to-play audio book inside) at the library and Colby surprised me and sat and listened to an entire chapter book in a day! I couldn't believe his attention span for it and I loved watching him move his finger along the page even though he's nowhere close to reading. (We're still working on letter recognition over here!)
Finished painting all the ornaments for the "25 Days of Christ" tradition...
They took a lot longer to paint and prepare than I thought, but it was a truly special tradition to focus on Christ each night with the devotionals!