This is a photo dump from September, but I love each little memory. Brooke was invited to her friend Jerzey's birthday party and she loved reconnecting with her two Kindergarten best friends.
Colby built lot of stuff and I have MANY pictures on my phone of his creations. Nothing can be forgotten, haha, and I blame that on myself since I am constantly taking pictures of what they are doing. Getting creative at the park...
Colby was digging through my nightstand drawer and found this eye mask. He was already listening to an old iPod (which he thinks is THE coolest thing on the planet), but he placed the eye mask and asked if I could take his picture so that he could see how cool he looked, haha. This kid is something else...
We finally made it to the dentist for Brooke's second check-up and Colby's first! We don't have dental insurance, so don't go as often as we should, but I made a goal to be more consistent. The hygienist and dentist were both complimenting the kids on their oral care, so I guess we're doing something right.
We stopped by Certifit for some reason and the kids were excited to take a tour through the warehouse. I love that they were so excited to see where Kevin works.
We played some basketball together at Daulton...
Can you tell that he's a little excited about basketball? One thing I love about Colby is his commitment to things. He is determined to exceed at what he does, which means he isn't afraid to work on a skill over and over until he's satisfied with his progress.
As we played, a storm rolled in and the skies turned so dark! The temperatures dropped and before we knew it, a torrential downpour started. We barely made it to the car in time, haha.
We spent more time at the lake. Shocking, I know! Brooke's confidence has totally blossomed this summer on the kneeboard and I love that she is so proud of herself and what she's learned to do.
And just look at those skies!! Evening boat rides are my favorite. The water is calm, and it just feels peaceful and serene, even when we are jamming to DJ Marshmallow :)
Some more Sunday afternoon basketball...
Colby found Kevin's sweatband and I was obsessed with his cuteness. Especially when he stopped mid game to do a few stretches, haha.
Spent some time at Clayton Chandler's skate park while Brooke was at school...
Reading the new Princess in Black book from Nay Nay...
Bike rides on a hot day...
More basketball, but this time at the Hawkins house. Joanna invited him over to play and he practiced for a solid 45 minutes straight. Like I said, he commits himself! I've never seen his little face so blotchy and sweaty.
A very wet walk after school...
Park play date with the Hawkins at Clayton Chandler...
We finally returned to in-person church, which was really nice. I have actually really liked doing church at home, but I felt like it was time to go back and worship with our Ward again. As the sacrament was prepared, I had an overwhelming feeling that we were in the right place and I felt grateful for the confirmation from the Spirit.
Hawaiian Day at school...
Joanna took me out to lunch at Corner Bakery for my birthday, and Colby got to be my +1.
We headed to Olive Garden for dinner on my birthday, and even though the food was yummy, I was disappointed that they didn't have my favorite berry dipping sauce for the Zappolis.
Since Colby has been totally into basketball and he wants to practice ALL the time for his upcoming season, we gifted him an early birthday present...
Fed the ducks and geese together, and Colby even "caught a turtle" that wouldn't let go of the string on his line, haha.
I am so grateful for these little moments because I know that before I know it, they will both be in school all day and I will miss these days! I saw something on social media today that really resonated with me...
"What did you do today??"
"Oh, nothing really. Just the usual."
But then her mind drifted to warm meals and clean laundry and full tummies and living room pillow forts and children's laughter and nap time books and basketball practices and freckled faces around the dinner table and homework and bedtime prayers and so many 'I love you's she lost count...
And she decided to change her answer.
"Oh, everything really. All that matters."