With everything that we had going on this Fall, family pictures weren't a top priority for some of us (ahem, Kevin). Looking back, I really think it was because so much of our life (with IVF) was out of our control, so the things we could control became bigger issues than they should have been. But he knows how important they are to me, so as soon as he gave me the go-ahead after our Turner Falls trip, I asked Danielle if she could meet us for pictures the next day. Thankfully, she is a gem of a friend and made it happen even though I know it was a busy night for her.
But I am SO grateful to have these pictures and I love so many of them for different reasons! This was by far my favorite family picture, and the one we used for our Christmas cards...
I really like this one as well, but Kevin thinks he looks funny since he was crouched over.
Our sweet girl...
At the end of the photo session, her and Colby found this huge fallen down log to play on. Brooke decided to lay the blanket out and was posing herself and then pretending to sleep, haha.
Our cutie boy...
Love these ones of our precious littles...
But especially this one...
I don't know what it is about taking family pictures, but Kevin and I both want like every combination of pictures. Each of us with each kid, each of us with both kids, a few of us together, haha. Each of those relationships is unique and it's fun to have pictures to show the dynamic.
Brooke was pulling the silliest faces and looking at me cross eyed, which was literally cracking me up. I definitely have a double-chin in one of these pics, but I don't even care because that moment was so fun with my girl!
I am SO grateful to be Brooke's mom and to have that mother-daughter bond that I hope will continue forever! One thing I love about my own mother is that she makes me feel like I am the most amazing woman out there. She constantly builds me up, and I want Brooke to feel those good things about herself. That I see her amazing potential and value all of her positive and admirable qualities! She is a kind-hearted girl and definitely my rule-follower. She is a total artist and loves creating and crafting every day. Her love for princess dresses and babies hasn't dwindled in the slightest, but she also loves to run free and play outside. A well-rounded girl to the max!
And a few with my little guy...
One thing I love about Colby is the way he makes me laugh every day! He has the most animated little personality and an uncanny ability to say the funniest things at the perfect time. He has some wicked awesome dance moves and isn't afraid to bust them out :) He's such a good boy, but also likes to push the limit at times! But he's quick to apologize if he's made a mistake. Oh, and he's a Mama's boy through and through.
These handsome boys...
And Daddy's girl...
I've said this before, but Kevin rocks in his role as Daddy. Our littles LOVE him so stinkin' much and you can see it on their faces.
And a few of me and the kids...
This is motherhood to me...
I truly love being a stay at home mom to my kids. Of course, there are times when I allow myself to feel ashamed that I'm not "using my degree", or "doing more with my career", but I wouldn't want to miss this! I want to be there each day with them and be their person. I want them to be excited to see me, play with me, snuggle me, whatever it may be. I will most likely go back to work in the next few years, but for now, this is motherhood for me. And I love these two more than words could ever describe.
I also love this guy...
We're kind of awful at the whole "let's look at each other and be serious" thing, but I still love how these turned out. Even the one of Kevin showing us his backside :)
Family is my biggest blessing, and I think having these pictures will be a treasure forever! We had just found out that week that our embryos hadn't progressed past a multi cell level and weren't eligible for a transfer. That was pretty devastating news (more in other post), but it made me increasingly aware of how blessed I was to have two beautiful, healthy, amazing children who bring so much light and joy to Kevin and I.
When we have each other, we have everything!