As soon as we arrived at Grandma and Papa's, the kids went straight to the backyard. Colby had Kevin pitching to him in no time, and we even brought our bases so we could play a little game.
Kevin then instituted a "Meadors vs Peacocks" game of Kub. The weather was beautiful and we enjoyed spending time together outdoors.
Brooke is my affectionate girl and was always hugging and loving on her cousins.
It was then time for the Easter egg hunt! This was by far the biggest hunt we've done as a family, and I think it's because we all knew that we had that big lot to fill with eggs, haha. Mel and I each did 8 dozen, and I think Bev did about the same. The parents hid all the eggs while Grandma and Papa kept the kids distracted inside the house.
Can you tell that they were a little excited to fill those baskets?? With the exception of Brooke, they were all even wearing coordinating colors! (Totally unplanned) I let Brooke pick her own outfit even though that was not the outfit I encouraged her to wear, haha. I love my kids to coordinate, but I also know how much Brooke loves her twirl dresses.

They hunted for eggs in the front yard first, then made their way to the backyard, which is where I hid the elusive golden egg! Inside was three $1 bills, a few dollars worth of quarters, and some chocolate eggs. I had hidden the egg under these pink flowers, but I didn't imagine that it would be SO hard for the kids to find it. They had literally found every other egg except the golden one. Kevin knew where it was, and he asked me if he should give Colby a hint. I told him that I would give all the kids a hint together, so as I was rounding up the girls and began saying that it was by something pink, Coby comes walking over saying, "I found the golden egg!" Kevin, the little stinker, had tipped Colby off, and then Colby even said, "Dad cheated because he told me where it was." We were all cracking up, and it was probably better that he found it rather than one of the girls. We've had hurt feelings in the past over who found it, and although I talked to my kids about being happy for whoever found it, they of course both wanted it to be them.

With overflowing baskets, the kids began emptying the eggs and enjoying some of their yummy treats. We made the final preparations for dinner, and dined al fresco. It was a beautiful meal with family, and we truly enjoyed the afternoon together.
Thanks, Grandma and Papa for hosting!!
The next morning, Brooke and Colby had baskets full of fun surprises. Brooke received a Twisty Pet Watch, which she was over the moon about. She also had paints, her new favorite goldfish, and some treats. Colby had a new Spiderman ball, markers, S'mores goldfish (which were amazing), and some treats.
I love their sleepy morning faces and unbrushed hair :)
I enjoyed having a quiet morning, and having the opportunity to finish our study of the final week of the Savior's life. We used the same book we used last year, and it was such a great experience to study each day and teach the children more about the events leading up to the Savior's death and resurrection. My testimony of the atonement and resurrection was strengthened as I bore witness to my kids of the events that transpired. He really did live again, which means that we can also live again! Through the blessings of the temple, we can be sealed to our families forever, which is such a comfort and a blessing. I love these littles, even though they weren't thrilled about this Sunday picture, haha.
Thankfully, they snapped out of their grumpiness and were quite adorable. Colby even made a special request to sit in the rocking chairs together :) They both still fit into their Easter clothes from last year, so I couldn't justify buying new outfits.

I knew the kids would sing in Sacrament meeting, but I was not prepared for the spiritual experience I would have as they sang. The moment they began singing "The Miracle", I was literally flooded with the warmest feeling of peace and intense love for those beautiful children singing. They all knew every word, and were singing it with their whole hearts. I am crying now just thinking about it. I tried to smile because my kids were looking at Kevin and I, but I was just so overcome with emotion at the beauty of their little voices testifying that they are His greatest miracle. The rest of the meeting was good, but nothing could top the Spirit that filled the chapel as those children sang. Later that day, I tried to tell my Mom about it and the same Spirit filled my heart. I even sat in the car so my mom could listen to the song on the CD the Primary Presidency gave each family. It's such a beautiful song!!
Anyway, I was totally emotional going into Sunday school and Kevin and I had been asked to take a few minutes to discuss a conference talk that helped strengthen our testimony of the Savior and His atonement. I used Elder Holland's talk, "The Lamb of God" from the last General Conference, but I was so nervous to get up there because I just was so emotional. Brother Smith was teaching the lesson and the whole thing was all about the Savior and his final week. It was all so beautiful and I just didn't know how I would be able to get through my remarks. I told Kevin how nervous I was, and he commented that we might not even get to it since we were nearing the last 15 minutes of class. A few minutes later, Brother Smith announced that he had asked a few people to participate in the lesson. He asked Kevin and I to go first, and I nudged Kevin to go first. Well, that was a mistake because he was emotional as well, which is rare for him. That CD from the Primary has been played a lot in our car, and Kevin quoted some of the lyrics from the song "Gethsemane." His remarks were so powerful, which didn't help me compose myself.
I was able to get through a little bit before crying, but in the end, I was able to testify of how grateful I am for the atonement and the significance of taking the sacrament each week. Elder Holland said, "Brothers and sisters, this hour ordained of the Lord is the most scared hour of our week. By commandment, we gather for the most universally received ordinance in the Church. It is in memory of His who asked if the cup He was about to drink could pass, only to press on because He knew that for our sake it could not pass. It will help us if we remember that a symbol of that cup is slowly making its way down the row toward us at the hand of an 11- or 12-year-old deacon."
"We are to remember in as personal a way as possible that Christ died from a heart broken by shouldering alone the sins and sorrows of the whole human family." And for this, I am so grateful! Kevin and I talked a lot about this and have made a conscious effort to be on time (or early) to church and to spend more time helping our kids understand how sacred Sacrament meeting truly is.
This is totally switching gears, but the Monday after Easter we attended a fun family night that Joanna coordinates. Lots of families from the ward attend, as well as friends from the ward who have since moved to other wards. It's always nice to see old friends, and the kids love the chance to play on the playground with each other. Brooke was especially excited to see her little friend Gracie Mansfield :)
Around 7 PM, the hunt starts, and the kids are allowed to run around and collect a dozen eggs each.
The hunt was over quickly, and then it was off to playing some more!
Our whole weekend was full of special memories with family and friends, as well as spiritual experiences and gratitude for the resurrection of our Savior!