The first day of school was great! Brooke and I were both a little nervous the night before the big day, and she had lots of questions about how the day would go. I had ordered her a special book called, "Dear Girl", and we read it before bed that night. Each page of the book starts with "Dear Girl", then gives some advice.
Some of my favorite pages:
"Dear Girl, Look at yourself in the mirror. Say thank you to something that makes you YOU."
"Dear Girl, Find people like you. Find people unlike you."
"Dear Girl, If your instinct is telling you to say no, say no, you know?"
"Dear Girl, Listen to your brave side."
And the real tear jerker at the end of the book,
"Dear Girl, Whenever you need an encouraging boost, remember you can turn to any page in this book. Most of all, dear girl who I love, know that you can always always always...turn to me."
I couldn't even get through the last line. I was so choked up, and when I froze, both kids looked at me and were trying to figure out what was going on. Brooke finally said, "What does it say?" I just adore her so much and I want her to ALWAYS know that she can turn to me when she is happy, sad, scared, or heartbroken. She is my dear girl. As I laid next to her that night, I studied her little features and tried to wrap my head around all the emotions running through me at that moment.
Brooke seemed fine the next morning. I was still emotional, but I felt confident knowing that she would be safe and cared for at school.
Still no hugs, but Brooke posed for a picture with Mrs. Hickerson.
She put her backpack away, sat at her desk, and looked around at what the other students were doing. Everyone was playing with the play doh on their desk, so Brooke tried to open her container. She was having a tough time, and immediately, the girls on either side of her offered to help. It was such a small thing, but it made my heart so happy to now that she had instant sweet friends to help her.
Adjusting to earlier bedtimes and early wake ups is not easy for our family, but we are getting the hang of it, haha!

I walked Brooke to her classroom for the first month of school, which she preferred. I had to go through the office every day to get a visitor pass, but I loved watching her walk so confidently through the halls and ensuring that she indeed made it to her class each day. One day, as we pulled into the parking lot, I asked Brooke if she wanted to walk by herself since we were running late. She asked if she would be late to class if I walked her in, and when I said maybe, she said "I guess I could walk by myself so that I'm not late." I walked her to the front door, kissed her sweet head, and watched her till she made it to the end of the long hall. She looked back at me, we signed "I love you" to each other, and she rounded the corner. That was really such a big step for both of us, haha, but I was so proud of my brave girl. The next day I asked her if she wanted me to walk her in, and she wanted to do it by herself again. I think she liked feeling so independent :)

We went and had lunch with Brooke during the second week, and she was so happy to see us. I loved watching her follow the cafeteria routine. She is such a rule follower, which is something I really love about her. She wants to do what is right, and for that, I am so grateful.
She really is our precious girl :) So far, Kindergarten has been great!