My Mom and Dad came to visit for the week of Thanksgiving, and it was SO good to see them. After the airport pick-up, we took them to Torchy's for some tacos. Brooke was excited for her Nay Nay and Papa to be here.
That evening, Kevin and I were supposed to be at a Priest/Laurel activity, but I was trying to get out of it. Kevin needed to go in his new role as second counselor in the Stake YM Presidency, and I was supposed to be there as our ward's representative for the YW. In the end, my parents encouraged us to go and were excited for some one-on-one time with the kids. It was actually really fun to go ice skating together. I don't think I had been skating since we were dating. It as also fun to hang out with these cute girls from my ward.
Sunday was church, so I took a picture of these handsome fellows.
I absolutely adore this picture of my parents with my kids. It's fun to see the love they have for each other.
We did't have a ton of plans for the week, but had plenty of time to just play and chat. Brooke loved having someone to constantly play with, and Nay Nay is great at joining in the imaginative play. She has endless energy, which may be her kindergarten teacher shining through :)
Random pics of the kids playing with Kevin one evening...
On Thanksgiving Day, we spent the morning making preparations for our big meal. Mom helped me with the sweet potatoes, a loaded scalloped potato casserole, and rolls (Rhodes, haha). We had ordered a smoked turkey from a guy in our old ward, so that was all we really had to do. Oh, and I put together a veggie platter. Oh, and Brooke helped with the sweet potatoes. She loves marshmallows, haha, so it was the perfect assignment for her.
Before our guests arrived, I took a few pictures of my parents so I could help them create their Christmas card. I was happy with how this one turned out, even though my Dad thought it was ridiculous that I made him take his watch off since the black was distracting.
I love my parents so much and am grateful that I was sent to them. My patriarchal blessing states that my parents were specifically chosen to be my parents, and although I am sure this is the case for everyone, I feel like they have always known just the way to help me through my challenges.
Back to Thanksgiving, haha. The decor...
My Mom brought these cool coffee filter leaves that we decorated earlier in the week. Then for FHE, we wrote all the things we were thankful for. After I wrote the words, Brooke pretended to write her own words. She would scribble in lines as she spoke, and it was the cutest thing ever. It remained me of myself when I would pretend to write cursive as a kid.
Even though it was a beautiful day, Kevin wanted to have a fire to add to the ambiance...

Jerry and Beverly came for dinner, as well as one of Jerry's co-workers who lives in the area. We had met her and her husband at Easter, and they are really nice people. Sarah and Nick are both probably in their mid-thirties as well. I wasn't thrilled when Jerry emailed me about inviting her, but I understood why he did it. Her husband had to work all day, and she would have been home alone. I just selfishly didn't want to feel like I had to entertain her when I had my parents here. In the end, it was good, except for the fact that she said "Oh My God" all the time. And Brooke corrected her A THOUSAND TIMES, haha! The first time she said it, I saw Brooke kind of look at her, but didn't say anything. After 5 times, Brooke finally said "We don't say that! We say Oh My Goodness." Sarah was sweet and just said, "You're right, I'll try to remember." But when you are used to using a phrase, its hard to cut it out of your conversation. So, Brooke kept correcting her. I told Brooke to just worry about herself, but I was also proud that she stuck up for our family rule. A few days later, I emailed Sarah to apologize for Brooke's constant corrections and let her know why I have coached Brooke on saying "goodness" instead of "God." I didn't know what she knew about Mormonism, and I didn't want her to think that we don't say God because we don't believe in Him. I wasn't even sure how to explain my stance, but thanks to, I found a section about using utmost reverence when we speak about God. I read the email to Kevin that night (after already sending it), and he said that it was a little condescending. Well, it was already sent, so hopefully she wasn't offended. Two days later, she responded and said that she wasn't offended at all, and that it was something she wanted to work on. It is what it is, I guess :)
The spread...
Sarah brought fresh corn and baked beans, Bev brought her famous broccoli salad, and Jerry marinated the tri-tip for us to grill up. I was honestly a little disappointed in the smoked turkey though. I have tasted his turkeys in the past, and they have always been fabulous, which is why I was fine with spending $80 on a huge turkey. But, it was't really as great as I had hoped or remembered. But, I didn't have to cook it, so that was pretty nice.
Colby's favorite part was the corn, haha.
The day after Thanksgiving Kevin had to work, but the rest of us went to the movie theatre to see Disney's "Moana." The moment I took Colby out of his carseat, he was lunging for Papa. My Dad was hesitant to carry him because his balance is a little off at times, but Colby kept trying to get to his Papa (which my Dad LOVED). So, he gave in, and I stayed at his side in case he stumbled.
This was Colby's first theater experience, so I wasn't quite sure what to expect. He sat still on my lap for the first 30 minutes or so, but then just wanted to get down. I ended up staying in the hall with him for the remainder of the movie, but at least I was able to watch bits and pieces of the movie. Colby just scooted himself up and down the sloped hallway.
Brooke loved the movie, and the popcorn.
A few other random pictures from the week: Merida (AKA Brooke) serenading us on the piano...
She loves her dress -ups that Nay Nay buys for her. I think she has 11 now!
On the way to the airport, we stopped at Iggy's for some ice cream. Brooke was so excited to show them her favorite ice cream shop, and Colby is always up for a treat, haha.
It was a great week together, and since we don't have another trip scheduled to see them, it was hard to say goodbye. They really are the best parents, and the best grandparents to my little ones!