On October 29th, Brooke participated in Dream Fest for her dance studio. Each class performed at least one dance, and it was all really quite adorable. When we arrived at the park (with an outdoor amphitheater), I rushed Brooke over to meet up with her class. They were all sitting in lines, and I wasn't sure if Brooke would hesitate to leave my side, but she didn't. I was hesitant to leave her though, haha. They had asked for a few parents from each class to stay with the girls, and the spots were already full when I saw the sign-up. Thankfully, one of the moms I know well was one of the volunteers, so I asked her to text me if Brooke needed me. I could mostly see her from where our group was sitting, but I felt better knowing that she had my phone number and would keep an eye on Brooke. Being a parent and letting go of some control is so hard!

The two classes of 3-4 year olds were combined, and they performed "If You're Happy and you Know It", mariachi style. It wasn't my favorite song, but the girls were cute, nonetheless.
Our support team :
Brooke was so excited to have her cousins there to watch her, especially after we watched Kinley's dance recital in the Spring.
The girls were so super sweet to Brooke after her performance!
Colby loves his Uncle Jeff, and sat with him for the majority of the performance.
Earlier in the week, the studio held a "Fun Bun" contest, where the girls wore crazy buns to dance. They were told that the winners would be announced at Dream Fest, and guess who won fifth place???
She was so in love with her hairstyle, and assumed that she would be a winner, haha. I kept telling her that it was all for fun, and that she might not win. I was trying to not get her hopes up too high, but she was over the moon when they announced her name. (The owner had told me right before the show started that we should stick around because Brooke was one of the winners, and then I was super excited for her.)
She was nervous to go receive her award in front of everybody, so I went with her.
And of course her cousins were there to congratulate her when she returned to the group.
Grandma and Papa even brought this little dancer some flowers, which made her feel extra special!
We're grateful that everyone took time to come to her show, and we all went to our house afterwards for pizza.
This was our first dance event, and I would say that it was a success. Brooke wasn't hesitant to perform, which showed me that she is growing up and becoming more confident in herself.