Unfortunately, Kimberly and Josh had to return to the real world on Monday, so we were on our own during the day. We didn't really have a plan, but I knew that I wanted to look into pedal boats, and possibly a bike ride. Turns out that all the pedal boat places were closed, but we found a place called Heritage Square, which is a storybook Victorian theme park and shopping village. We perused the website and it seemed pretty great. It was also featured on a "Top 10 Things to Do in Denver with Toddlers" link I found on Pinterest. Google maps showed the hours as 11 am to 5pm, so we hopped in the car and drove the 30 minutes to Golden, CO. As we drove in the park, it seemed SUPER empty, and you guessed it, closed for the season. Not sure why google showed the hours when it wasn't actually open, but there we were, at the closed park. So, we decided to head back towards Kimberly's place in hopes that Brooke would nap on the way, and then we could do a little shopping near her house. All went smoothly until it was time to leave the mall and Brooke wanted "more water" (meaning the fountain with fish in the center of the mall). She was literally screaming as we left, and it was humiliating. Not an experience I hope to repeat any time soon. I knew that she really needed some time to run around, so when we made it back to Kimberly's, we spent some time playing with all the rocks in the landscaping, which made her very happy.

Once Kimberly and Josh made it home from work, we headed to Casa Bonita, which is a real treasure of a place. When texting about plans before the trip, Kimberly asked if I wanted to go there. She described it as, "the tackiest place you've ever been, with awful food, but super entertaining." Umm, sure?? It was definitely an experience, but lots of fun. Since we were there on a Monday night, the place was not busy at all (normally you wait at least an hour to get in), and we were seated right at the base of the pool where the divers jump. During dinner, which wasn't great, but not terrible, they had this girl doing dives off the rocks. Brooke was totally intrigued by the whole thing. Then they did a little "pirate" themed act, which was not good, and scared Brooke to death because of the gun shots.
After dinner, we went through Black Beard's Cave, played some arcade games, and watched Brooke ride quarter slot trains/cars. We finished off the night with cookies from Mary's Mountain Cookies.
Tuesday we attempted to be a little more prepared as far as a game plan for the day. Kevin found an amazing bike trail that was kid-friendly and went around the perimeter of a lake. Problem was, we couldn't find a rental place that had bike trailers for our little one. After many phone calls, Kevin finally found a place to rent one, but it was in the middle of the city. Which didn't really help us much since we had no way to get it to the trail. So, instead, we went to Red Rock Amphitheater. (Also on the Top 10 things to do with toddlers list.) Although i wouldn't really say its a great activity with toddlers, unless you want to help them go up and down a zillion steps over and over, it was really beautiful.
And that concluded our trip! It was so great to spend time with my sister and to get to know Josh better. Definitely a trip to remember :)