By some miracle, this was the first picture I took of her and she is looking at the camera and holding (mostly) still! After I snapped the picture, she rolled over and I was unable to get another decent shot because she was too interested in the blocks over her head. I decided to try again later to get a little video of her (something I have done every month), but as luck would have it, she had a crazy blowout in that outfit, so I took her video and a few more pictures in outfit #2.

Things to note this month (in order of how they occurred): started scooting backwards, adopted a new sleep schedule for herself (wakes about 8:30am, nurses, plays for about 2 hours, and is ready for her morning nap), falls asleep on own for naps, pulls up on coffee table, able to go from sitting to knees, enjoys fruit (clementines, blueberries, strawberries) in her mesh feeder, learned to clap, became more purposeful in her waving, drinks from straw trainer cup independently, occasionally signs for "more" and "milk", gravitates towards yellow toys, knows that "mama" and "dada" refer to us, started moving hands forward in crawling position, got first bruise on her head from falling sideways onto the wood floor, gets to sitting position by herself, smacks her lips all the time, and CRAWLED for the first time in the bathtub to get her little yellow ducky.
Her 9 month stats: 19 lbs 10 oz (75th percentile) and 29" long (95th percentile). Dr. Joki said she looks healthy and is on target with her developmental milestones.
We went on her first "big girl" stroller ride. I removed the car seat adaptor and she rode forward facing. She enjoyed walks before, but I think she likes her view even better now :)
Grandma Meador made her a really nice cart cover which we use ALL the time. It fits grocery carts really well, and I also use it on restaurant highchairs because in general, those things are disgusting!
She still loves bath time! I bathe her in the morning or in the middle of the day so we are not in a rush. On average, she is in there for 30 minutes, haha. We stopped using the bath sling and now she sits in the tub like a big kid.
Our little adventuresome baby!! I appreciate her happy demeanor :)