Kevin was trying so hard to just sit by me and be supportive, but nothing was helping. When i got up to pee (AGAIN) about 9, I passed the mucous plug. In my mind, I thought, OK, this for sure means I need to go to the hospital. I know it sounds silly, but this kind of gave me affirmation that I really was in labor since I was experiencing everything for the first time. (I later found out that some women lose their plug a month before they actually go into it really didn't mean much!) Well, we called my doctor, who happened to be off that weekend, so we got the on-call doctor. He said that since i could talk through the contractions (barely), that it probably wasn't time yet, but he was a bit concerned about the he encouraged me to go get checked at the hospital. It was just crazy that it was time to go to the hospital. I mean, i had my bags packed for weeks, the car seat was installed, and i thought i had everything ready at the house...but was I ready?? We hadn't even decided for sure on a name!! But as Kev and I were getting our bags, we just looked at each other and Kevin goes, "So, should we name her Brooke?", and it just felt right, so I said yes :)
We got to the hospital at 9:45 pm and headed up to triage. I looked pretty bad, which is how I felt, but the nurse was awesome. She confirmed that I had a fever, and she was worried because the baby's heart rate was in the 170's (normally in the 140's), indicating that she was in a bit of distress. She checked me a little after 10, and i was at a 2 and about 80% effaced. The nurse said that they wouldn't admit me based on my labor progression, but that they might admit me based on the fever, etc. She ran blood work, urine samples, and gave me some pain meds and fluids through an IV. The results of the tests came back at midnight, indicating that I had a bladder infection, which is why i was feeling so ill. She checked me again, and i was at 4 cm dilated. So, they would admit me on both accounts :)
They wheeled me over to Labor and Delivery, and hooked me up to all the monitors. Baby's heart rate was still elevated, and the contractions were getting worse by the minute! I had talked with my doctor about trying to deliver without an epidural, but of course everyone kept asking me if I was ready for my epidural. I told my L & D nurse that I wanted to go as long as I could without an epidural, and she seemed supportive, but when the anesthesiologist stopped by the room, he wasn't as understanding. He asked me if I had a "magic number" (referring to the pain scale) that I was hoping to get to before getting my epidural. He was a bit condescending, but in the end, I told him to go help the other woman down the hall and come back and check on me. The nurse, seeing my in obvious pain, kept reassuring me that I was sick (remember the bladder infection) on top of the fact that I was in labor, so it was perfectly fine to get an epidural. I knew this, and in a way I guess it was nice to hear that she understood how crappy I felt, but I really wanted to do this! Well, the contractions were getting worse, and I labored for a while on a huge yoga ball shaped like a peanut (which was awesome!) while Kevin and the nurse took turns pushing on my lower back through the contractions. Kevin jokes that he had never heard me make such crazy noises, but I had no shame because that was the hardest thing I have ever done! It was so weird, because as I was on the peanut ball, and as I pushed through contractions, I literally felt like I could feel myself dilating. Sorry if this is too much info! I told the nurse that I knew I sounded crazy, but that I could feel myself dilating, A LOT. She said that some women say that, but I don't think she took me that seriously.
At 2 am, when the anesthesiologist stopped by the room again, I decided that I was ready for the epidural. The contractions were really bad and I wasn't sure how much longer I could do it. So, back to the bed I went so he could prep me for the epidural. It wasn't as painful as I imagined, and honestly, the worst part was trying to sit still through the contractions while the nurse let me squeeze her hands. Once it was placed, he commented that there was a vein in my epidural space, so he needed to move it a bit to the right. Awesome, right? So, that was a bit more painful when he removed the epidural and moved it over. Then, he told me that I might not be as numb on the left side, but that hopefully, if they propped me on my side, gravity would get to work and help numb the left side. Well, gravity didn't exactly deliver, because I could definitely feel a lot more on the left. After he left (about 20 minutes later), the nurse checked me and I was at a 10!! What?? I couldn't believe it. I had basically gone from 4 cm to 10 cm in 2 hours, and I find this out after having the epidural! I was mad at first, and Kevin reminded me that he had asked me if it would help to know where I was at (referring to dilation) before deciding whether or not to get the epidural. I remember him asking me this the first time the anesthesiologist came in, but it didn't really sink in by 2 am. Dumb, i know, but I was in pain and not thinking clearly. In the end, I am still glad I got it because they wanted me to wait until the baby's head was farther down, which was another hour or so, and as least i was in less pain during the wait. A little after 4 am, the doctor came in to break my water and they didn't have me start pushing for almost an hour. I could still feel the contractions during this time, but obviously they were much more mild that before, and for that I was grateful! Once they determined that it was time to push, Kevin was assigned to my right leg (which was numb and felt like 300 lbs of dead weight), and the nurse manned my left leg. I couldn't feel much, but when we saw a contraction on the monitors, my "assistants" helped me through the pushing process. My friend Joanna had recommended that I ask for the mirror to be brought in so that I could watch my progress, which I did. Although it wasn't a pretty picture, it helped A LOT so that I could see what was going on for myself. This might be more info than you wanted, (but if you have read this far, you wanted details, haha) but when the head started crowning, we were shocked at how much dark hair she had!! The doctor even twisted a little bit of her hair into a little "alfalfa" spike on the top of her head. It was kinda funny, but also kinda weird. I was pushing for almost 2 hours before the doctor said it was time for the "final push". It all happened so quickly, but i pushed, all of a sudden the baby was out and the doctor plopped her on my chest, and Kevin cut the cord. Such a crazy moment!! Our baby was actually here. Of course I cried, and I just kept looking at the baby, and up at Kevin (who may have also had tears in his eyes). It is hard to explain how beautiful that moment was. We had waited a long time for this miracle, and here she was!
The not-so-beautiful part: I tore pretty bad, and after 45 minutes of sewing me up, the doctor explained what had happened, what he did to try to fix the situation, and that I shouldn't look "down there" for a few weeks. Comforting, right? Especially when the nurses who were cleaning me up echoed the same sentiment! I never thought I would be so grateful for ginormous ice packs, numbing spray, pain meds, and a squirt bottle to spray myself after going to the bathroom. My friends who have had children had made mention of such things, but now I know first hand!
My first picture with our baby girl :)
When Brooke was taken to the nursery, Kevin went along and watched from the window. Although it was weird to be left alone in the room, I was very glad that Kevin was keeping an eye on our baby.
The first family picture :) I was hoping to look a little more put-together, but at that moment, I didn't even care!
Jerry and Bev had stayed the night in the waiting area (and actually had come back from a trip when they heard I wasn't feeling well), so they were the first ones to meet Brooke. For some reason I don't have a picture of Bev, but she was definitely there.
Melanie and Jeff picked my mom up at the airport on their way down to the hospital, which was so sweet. Kevin had called my parents the night before, and had updated the fam with text messages all night. My mom jumped on a plane first thing in the morning, but unfortunately she didn't make it for the birth. But she was there within a few hours, and she was super happy to meet her first grandbaby!
Auntie Mel and Uncle Jeff with their new niece:
The first diaper change...
If Kevin looks completely exhausted, it's because he was. We obviously didn't sleep the night I was in labor, and her first night in the hospital was a bit rough. All day Saturday she had been sleeping and low maintenance, but that night, I am pretty sure she hardly slept. Between all the nurses coming in to check on me and Brooke, and the fact that the breastfeeding was not going so well, we were all a bit frustrated by morning. Brooke was latching on okay from the beginning, but she just seemed super frustrated by early evening, like she wasn't getting anything out. The first nurse explained that she was getting the colostrum, and that since her tummy was so small, she didn't need much. But when the nurses changed at 7, things went downhill. This nurse was VERY concerned about Brooke getting dehydrated, becoming jaundiced, and having to stay in the hospital. She was patient, but looking back, really caused us to be stressed about the whole situation. We were trying every trick/hold/ etc. the nurse could think of, and Brooke still ended up losing 10% of her body weight by the time we left the hospital. It was all a bit frustrating because on one hand, they would say that things will get better once my milk comes in (so what were they expecting before that point!!), but on the other hand, were so concerned about the weight loss. The pediatrician just asked that we bring her in early in the week to monitor the weight. (I will post later about her first week home.)
This photo was requested by Kevin. He saw another couple do this and he wanted to be sure that we did it too, haha.
This was Brooke's final check, and then the nurse removed the security device that was attached to her umbilical cord. It was official, we were taking Brookie home! The nurse was prepared to push my wheelchair, but Kevin asked if he could do it, which was really sweet :)
Bringing Brooke home...
It is safe to say that we are IN LOVE with our little girl. I feel like we are a real family now, haha. Obviously we hope to have more kids one day, but for now, we feel complete.