See previous post for adventure details, but I wanted to include a few pictures for your enjoyment. I am hoping you can get a sense for the whole hilarious-ness of the day. I only wish we had a picture of us riding through the pouring rain, pedaling our little hearts out, trying to beat the sun going down. This mental picture will always be a classic. And with that, here are a few of the highlights...
Kevin didn't want to wear a helmet, but Kimberly told me I had to
or else she was going to tell Dad. Hahahaha...gotta love big sisters.

At the head of the trail, before we knew what we were getting ourselves
into!! Also, please notice how Kimberly so nicely matched the helmet. I
didn't get the memo. Kevin really didn't get the memo...maybe this is
why he decided to forgo the helmet?
Bridge that crossed over the freeway.
We still looked pretty chipper at this point.

Me and Kimberly. I look like a freak, but I was roasting and I
couldn't wear my sweatshirt any longer.
This is about the time that we decided we should call for a cab to pick
us up. It was pitch black and we were completely soaked.

The gas station where we waited...without functioning bathrooms :(
This placewas a real dive...look closely and you can see car seat
benches behind us. Possibly serving as additional seating for patrons?

Trying to fit three bikes into the taxi cab.
Probably one of the funniest parts of the night!

The end.
Kimberly, hopefully we can do this again real soon :)